Today we had to put Max (our dog) down. This dog lived for seventeen years, far beyond the lifespan of most dogs. He had a good life, not having to do much during those 17 years, but chew up a few good shoes, go on a walks or hikes and just lay around being a friend. Lately though, he was having a hard time laying down, he was deaf and his eyesight was failing. He recently had cancer surgery in his mouth and it was hard for him to eat. The last few days he had stopped eating and so we knew it was time. Continue reading
Picture Time
I can’t explain them all, but what I know is we had a good time. Let’s see how many I can attach. I believe Corey was on his mission and I apologize for so many of my family, but there are quite a few on the raft going down the river. I hope you enjoy.
Denning Grocery
This story begins thirty-five years before the marriage of Dick and Leann Denning. In fact, it starts prior to their births, back in 1919. My Grandpa Denning, George W. Denning, had returned from World War I in late 1918 and was married to Grandma Denning, Zoie Telford, on January 8, 1919. While enlisted in the war, my Grandpa was not able to pay for the farm that he owned and so on his return, he lost most of his land to the bank. That meant that he, like most other soldiers returning from the war, was looking for work.
First Christmas
Our first Christmas in our house was when Rich sold his house and was living with us for a period of time. We moved into his house with him for a while, I don’t remember exactly how long it was, bit it was when Morrie and Genee returned from their second mission so we needed somewhere to go. Rich offered us his house because Lisa had left and the girls were in Idaho. We moved in there for a while because we were in transition as well. Continue reading
One Scary Night
Once when I was in 6th grade, I stayed home from school because I was sick. That night Rich had a high school basketball game, mom and dad were taking tickets at the game, Ann went to the high school game, Doug had a church basketball game, and since I was sick I stayed home alone. I think it was close tho 9:00 p.m. and very dark outside. Continue reading
Near Misses
Have you ever had a near miss? One of those situations in life where you are just happy to have made it through. I have read stories about people going to war and making it home, not understanding why they made it and the person next to them did not. Rachel told me a story about pulling into a gas station to get gas and as she stepped out of her car, she realized there was a gun fight happening and she was right in the middle of it. So many possible outcomes in a situation like this, and yet she was able to drive away unharmed. Not all circumstances turn out in a favorable way, but if we are here to talk about it, then those near misses have had a positive outcome. Continue reading
Hard working family, maybe not always.
We had great parents and yes they taught us how to work together and how to play together. As a family, we hauled and sold firewood (I hated that job. It was hard, dirty work); we were caretakers of the Iona Cemetery, (I didn’t mind that job. I rode a riding lawnmower and got a suntan). We mowed our lawn and other people’s lawns. And we cleaned the house, sometimes. I remember one Saturday in the spring, the ward had a mother/daughter activity. Continue reading
To Ski or Not to Ski
I believe we were some of the most loved/spoiled kids ever to be raised In Iona, at least that is how I felt. We had loving parents who taught us to work hard and they taught us to play hard. I remember that we always worked hard (weeding the BIG garden, mowing lawns—all of them, hauling wood, cleaning the house…etc. I remember when the work was done our family would load the boat and head to Palisades Reservoir. Continue reading
Brotherly Love
Growing up in my home town, Iona, Idaho was a lot of fun. We pretty much had freedom to do what we wanted. At a young age I remember even helping mom and dad (grandma and grandpa) clean the grocery store. Dad purchased the store from his dad and we as a family spent many hours helping. At least for a little guy it seemed like many hours, but it was nothing compared to mom and dad. Because of the store dad was well know in town and he also took a big interest in sports. Continue reading
Love and Tragedy
Since most of those reading this story know and love Leann Rigby Denning, it will come as no surprise when I tell you that she is a model when it comes to showing kindness and love. There have been very few times in my life, where I have witnessed any anger from my mother. Continue reading