Why do we feel that we have to travel to far and exotic destinations to see amazing things, when in reality, there are many beautiful destinations right in our own backyard. The beauties of this world lie all around us, both far and close. Continue reading Our Own Backyard
Category Archives: Travel
Greek Trip Posted
I have completed posting our Greek trip.
You may ask (probably not) why it took so long to post the pictures from our trip to Greece. All I can say is that there were a lot of pictures that I had to sift through and enhance. So, what you see on these pages is a small percentage of all pictures that we took. Consider this, two people, who both love to take a lot of pictures, digital cameras with large SD cards and laptops to unload all the pictures each night. This can lead to a lot, I mean a lot, of pictures to go through.
Greece – A lot of Ancient History
Greece was an exciting place to visit. The history and people are amazing. We had a great time and I am excited to share our experience with you.
Greek Adventure Coming
In 2016, I was fortunate to take part in a twenty-three day trip to Italy. Not to let 2016 out shine 2017, Tonya and I decided a short two-week trip to Greece was in order.
Since December, I have been trying to find the best way to spend the two weeks. Initially I was hoping to get two condos, one in the south and one in the north of Greece and spend two weeks driving around the country, just like we did in Italy. But, when the two weeks together were not available, I found a Greek Isle cruise for the second week. The first week we will be staying in a condo in Marathonas, Greece, close to one of those Greek beaches. We will be about 45 minutes east of Athens. The second week we will board the Royal Princess Cruise ship and spend a week cruising through the Greek Islands.
Reality, The Good Stuff
In my last post, I talked about the Anticipation of our trip to Italy. Today I talk about the reality of the trip and how it compares to life. All I can say is that it was worth every minute of preparation and then execution. We saw some amazing things and though the trip to and from was long and there were days we walked for hours, I would venture to say that it was one of the best trips I have ever been on to date. Continue reading Reality, The Good Stuff
I have heard that the Anticipation of something can be as and possibly more exciting than the actual event. For example, when you tickle a child, all you have to do is position you hands as if you are going to tickle and the child will start laughing in anticipation of the tickle.
I guess I am like that child today. I have been studying, preparing and anticipating my trip to Italy for the last 9 months, ever since I booked the Condos and flights. In fact, I have anticipated this trip ever since I completed my LDS mission in Italy back in 1979. Continue reading Anticipation
Italy Trip Planned
I am excited to announce that I have finalized our trip to Italy. Tonya and I will be traveling to Italy in June 2016. Continue reading Italy Trip Planned
Hawaii June 20, 2015 – Day 9
We are home. I think we lost a night somewhere between here and Kono. I slept some on the flight from Kono to Phoenix. We were able to get the exit row and this time we both had leg room, though I had more because I also had the isle way. I stretched out and slept. It was one of those fitful sleeps where you are continually waking up to re-adjust something. Tonya didn’t sleep at all. She said that she slept more on the flight from Phoenix to Salt Lake than she did on the one from Kona. But, we are home and she is now sleeping in her bed.
Hawaii June 19, 2015 – Day 8
I am sitting in the Kono airport waiting to board our flight. Our flight leaves Kono at 10:45 p.m. and arrives in Phoenix at 7:30 a.m. We then leave Phoenix around 10:05 a.m. and arrive in Salt Lake at 12:44 p.m. So this will make for a long night. Continue reading Hawaii June 19, 2015 – Day 8
Hawaii June 18, 2015 – Day 7
Here we are at day 7 of the week. This the last full day and night we have in Hawaii. It has been a lot of fun. We have seen a lot of amazing things and gained a lot more understanding of the Hawaiian culture. Granted, Hawaii has been Americanized a great deal, but there are still some differences. Continue reading Hawaii June 18, 2015 – Day 7