This morning I received a call at 9 a.m. Utah time, which means 5 a.m. Hawaii time. So I decided to get up and do my Day 5 post, since I didn’t have time to do it last night. Then Tonya woke up at 6:30 a.m. and we had some toast and hard boiled eggs. We then met the shuttle bus at 7:30 a.m. We started the bus tour around 8 a.m. and then spent the next 12 hours on this tour. Continue reading Hawaii June 17, 2015 – Day 6
Category Archives: Travel
Hawaii June 16, 2015 – Day 5
Tonya made a comment on Sunday that this week was going to go by too fast. My comment back was no faster than any other week. The difference with this week is that we have packed a lot into the week and we will be on the go, which will make the week seem to go by in a hurry. Knowing this, we just have to enjoy it while it lasts and focus on the moment and not the end. Continue reading Hawaii June 16, 2015 – Day 5
Hawaii June 15, 2015 – Day 4
Before I start about this days events, I have a couple of observations.
- When on vacation Tonya and I are always looking at license plates to see where people are from. But here in Hawaii, all cars seem to be from Hawaii. We haven’t seen any cars visiting from other states. Go figure.
- Tonya was using the GPS on her phone and we were trying to find our destination. The GPS seemed to be having a problem and Tonya said that it seemed to be putting us in the middle of the Pacific ocean. After a minute of trying to figure out the problem, I asked, “Have you zoomed it in?” Oh, yep, there was the issue. We were in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Once we zoomed in we found that we were on this tiny little island in the middle of the Pacific. Interesting.
Hawaii June 14, 2015 – Day 3
Sunday our day of rest or so we thought. We went to church at 9 a.m., which was quite fun. The opening prayer was given in Korean. The part you have to adjust to is that everyone starts with Aloha and the crowd responds in kind. It is like saying Amen at the beginning. Continue reading Hawaii June 14, 2015 – Day 3
Hawaii June 13, 2015 – Day 2
Today we booked out what we would be doing for the rest of the week. At 8:30 a.m. we sat through a presentation on things to do on the Big Island of Hawaii. After seeing all the interesting things to do, we spent a bit of money and booked out 4 different items. This in and of itself was rather impulsive for us. We usually never do this and hate to spend money. That is why we upgraded to the jeep, so that we could drive the island by ourselves. But we caved and so here is the schedule for the week: Continue reading Hawaii June 13, 2015 – Day 2
Hawaii June 12, 2015 – Day 1
Hawaii! You know how I am all about enjoying the journey, but let me just say that the journey to Hawaii can be a long one. Anytime you are in an airplane for seven or eight hours, with layovers, you start to wonder about the journey. This may be one of those times when you suffer through the journey because the destination is so exciting. We were able to get exit rows on both flights, which made the flights a bit more tolerable. I should clarify, on the long fight Tonya’s exit row seat was just a normal seat by the exit row, no extra leg room and in the middle, where mine allowed me full extension and plenty of room. I did ask her if she wanted to trade, but she being the giving person that she is, said no, which I was very grateful for. That didn’t stop the guilt, though, as I was able to stretch my legs out to the full length. Other than that, the flight was uneventful. Continue reading Hawaii June 12, 2015 – Day 1
Newport, Oregon 2015
Tonya and I went to the Oregon coast for a nice week of vacation in April 2015. We stayed at Newport, Oregon in a nice 1 bedroom condo. Newport is a quaint little coastal town about an hour south of Portland. They have this spectacular bridge at the south end of the city.