Category Archives: Thoughts

thoughts about life, in particularly my life.


I just finished listening to a book named:  “Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things”.  The book, written by Jenny Lawson, is about her battle with Depression and other health issues.  She writes the book in a way that makes you laugh and at the same time think about how we as individuals act.  She makes a lot of interesting points, but the one I want to mention in particular is that of being bored. Continue reading Boredom

Time Evolution

We often talk about the evolution of the species and how, over time, animals change and adapt to their environment.  Recently, I was thinking about the evolution of Time.  We never get one second more, but it may seem like we gain more time based on how we use it.  It is interesting that in today’s world we have the technology and machinery to complete tasks that in the past took a lot more time.  With this, it seems that we now have more time to do other things, making us believe that we have more time.

As my thoughts ponder time, I realize that it does evolve within the environment we live.  This was brought to light when visiting my granddaughter in Park City at a Condo where they were staying.  As I was talking with her, she said, “Grandpa, come and look at this phone, it has buttons on it.”  She had never seen push buttons on a phone.   Continue reading Time Evolution