This picture was taken by the water fountain at the entrance to the complex.
Michelle, Stephanie and Blake were given me their best pose. The day was hot and
here we were taking a walk in the heat of the day. We would have rather been swimming
but, not to be on the this beautiful day. |
Stephanie wanted to bring Michelle and Blake together in this beautiful landscape. |
This is a picture of the entry into the Marriott Villas. The Palm Trees lined the
road and made for a grand entry. |
On the way to the hotel we came across this pond. With the heat and all, the kids wanted
to rest. So we found some shade and tried to relax in the heat. They told me they couldn't make it to the Hotel, I told them
that they could and we did. |
This is a picture of some of the landscaping in front of the Marriott Hotel. The greenery
was beautiful. Blake was thinking about playing in the pond, but the water had a
strange color of green to it. |
This is a picture of golf course that ran behind our condo. It is also a nice picture
of the mountains in the background. During the winter months, these mountains do get
snow on them, even with the weather in the valley as warm as it is. |
Blake, Michelle, and Stephanie at the Hotel Pool. The pool looked very inviting and
there were a lot of people there. But, alas we didn't have our swimming suites, so we
couldn't go swimming (actually, being Sunday and all, we had decided that we wouldn't
go swimming). As the picture shows, I was concerned that the kids were not going to make
it back to the condo. Blake was saying that he couldn't walk another step. But, again
I assured them that they could make it and they did. |
This is a picture of a goose that was sunning herself by the pool. |