There are about 44 phonetic sounds in the English language. Continue reading
The Words of Life
Amyloidosis (am-uh-loi-DO-sis) is a rare disease that occurs when a protein called amyloid builds up in organs. This amyloid buildup can make the organs not work properly. Organs that may be affected include the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, nervous system, and digestive tract. Some types of amyloidosis occur with other diseases. These types may improve with treatment of the other diseases. Some types of amyloidosis may lead to life-threatening organ failure. Treatments may include chemotherapy with strong drugs used to treat cancer. Other types of medications can reduce amyloid production and control symptoms. Some people may benefit from organ or stem cell transplants.
Lost Candy
Growing up in Iona there was no public transportation, which means that our only way of going anywhere, was walking, biking or by car. Oh, there were horses, but since we didn’t own one, that was not an option for us. Giving that none of us kids were old enough to drive, that meant we did a lot of walking and biking. Continue reading
Mountain Hike, Highs and Lows
As I have mentioned previously, every year we would do a Rigby Family campout, where all my mother’s siblings and their families would gather at a designated place and spend the week camping. These weeks would consist of water sports, campfires, food, hiking and anything else we could think of doing. This post is about a hike we did while camping at Redfish Lake, located in the Sawtooth mountains in central Idaho.
Teenage Confidence
As teenages, we all feel that we can do anything and in some sense of the word, have no fear. The act of stopping and trying to understand all the consequences of a choice does not necessarily happen, only that it would be a lot of fun. The following story is about a decision that I made as a 15 year old that taught me how little I knew at that time in my life.
The Mexican Riviera
To the Mexican Riviera and Back. Sun, Beach, Pool, Food and a lot more.
Dick Denning, Who was He?
Back in 2021, I received an email from a man, Joe Storer, who grew up in Iona, Idaho. He was 4 or 5 years older than me and lived across the street from our first house in Iona. At the time mentioned in this email, I would have been quite young and Dad would have been very busy helping his father with the Iona Grocery Store. I know we sometimes talk about Dad’s temper and some of his funny ways, but this story tells you about the type of man he was. He was caring, loving and was always thinking of others in the best possible way. I know that most of you have already read this story, but I wanted to put it out here for all to read again, so that we don’t forget how great this man was. Continue reading
Bus Tour
On December 17th, my family will be starting a Cruise aboard the Carnival Panorama Ship, down the Mexican Riviera for 7 days of fun and sun. Three years ago, Rachel said, “let’s plan a family vacation.” So I started thinking about what would be a good trip for the family, and after Tonya and I did a Christmas cruise last December and I was watching all the kids enjoying themselves on the ship, I thought this would be a great family vacation. So I proposed it and they all thought it a good idea. So we started planning in January, booked it in February and paid for it in September. The group is made up of 33 individuals; all my girls (Rachel, Rebeca, Maegen, and Michelle) and their families; two of Tonya’s boys (Eric and Kyle) and their families; Tonya, myself and grandma. Since the cruise is around Christmas, it is considered a Holiday Cruise, so the ship will be decorated for Christmas. As a Grandfather, having my children and their children on this trip is very exciting, as all my children can attest to, having had to listen to me talk about it all year. It takes me back some 28 years ago, when my Dad did a similar type vacation, not a cruise, but a Bus Tour.
Decisions, Decisions!!!
Life presents us with many decisions to make on a daily basis. Some have to be made on the spot, others can be worked on for some time, allowing us to look at many different options. In the end, we are always hoping that the decision we make, be it quick or drawn out, is the correct one. This story is about a decision that had to be made quickly… Continue reading
The Day Life’s Meaning Changed
As we reflect on our lives, we all have those moments that change the way we think or even who we are as a person. It could have happened once, or maybe multiple times, but in the end, we are changed. These are sometimes very personal and hard to relate because of the impact it rendered in our life. This story is about one event that changed the Meaning of Life for me. Continue reading