These are two of the cutest grandkids anybody could ask for. These two belong to Curtis and Jordyn. Continue reading
Miss Rexburg Pageant 1956
We all know and love Leann Denning (mother and grandma), but here is a little fact you may not have known about her. Continue reading
Family Portrait
Sometimes we forget that we were all young. I am thinking that this photo is just over 30 years old. What a great looking family.
The Start of it All
Richard (Dick) Denning (Dad) married Leann Rigby (Mom) on Friday, February 15, 1957.
Road Trip
Jean and I had the opportunity to take Dick and Leann (grandma and grandpa) to Mexico for what I called, their drug run. Continue reading
Our Stories, Our Legacy
Stories are who we are. And all those that knew Dick Denning knew that he loved to tell stories. So in the light of posting all his stories, those that can be remembered, let’s also post stories about each other. These posts can then be off loaded and saved for posterity. Stories are fun and as they are told around the campfire can become bigger than life. So, let’s write them down, before they do become more fiction than reality. But, also, let’s have fun. Let’s post favorite quotes, anecdotes, etc. and maybe along the way we can inspire someone to do greater things with their life or at best be happy with what they have.