Alright, here we go. I have been wanting to scan my journal entries into PDF documents and so this is my attempt at doing that. I also thought that you might enjoy reading some of these entries. I have to say, at 19, I didn’t know how to write very well (still don’t). I am wondering if I had learned English at all. But you have to understand, growing up in a small farm town in Idaho, I learned to speak rural English, with a tweak of farmer involved. I really believe that I started understanding English Grammar while learning to speak Italian. Being married to a 5th grade teacher, Tonya is continually teaching me new things about English that her 5th grade students are learning.
With all that said, I will be adding documents to the My Life ==> Journal Entries page. I may or may not post all new entries to the Journal page, so check that page periodically to see if I have added a new entry.
I am not sure how fast this will go. There may be pages added in rapid succession, with a long spell before the next page (sometimes I get lazy).
Also, I am going to add another page under the My Life tab with a bunch of early photos of my life. My mother, bless her soul, kept a scrap book of most of my younger years and so I have this book of my life as a youngster (any one under 40, I now consider a youngster).
This might be fun or it could just be down right boring. Not sure at this point. I will try to bring a little comic relief if possible. But I hope you enjoy my little trip down memory lane.