
Today, we celebrate the statehood of Mother.  What I find interesting about this day, is that the founder, Anna Jarvis, had wanted to create a way to remember and show gratitude to her Mother.  After years of proposing a day be set aside each year for us to commemorate our mothers, finally in 1914, Woodrow Wilson signed a bill setting aside the second Sunday of May as a celebration to all Mothers in the U.S.  Then in the 1920’s, with all the commercialism that had started for Mother’s Day, Anna Jarvis wanted to boycott the use of Mother’s Day and have it removed.  The original idea of celebrating, visiting, and remembering our mothers had turned into another day for businesses to make a lot of money.

So, today, I would like to take a minute and do justice to the original concept of Mother’s Day.  No commercialism, nothing purchased, no card sent, just a sincere Thank You to my Mother, to my Wife, to the Mothers of my Daughters, to my Daughters and to my Granddaughters (mothers to be).  You are the backbone of our society.

First, I would like to give tribute to my Mother, the person that has loved me through the good times and the not so good times.  She gave me life.  She taught me how to love, though there were times I was not lovable.  She has been my confidant and best friend throughout my life.  I have had many a conversation with her, where she sat and listened, never condemning, though I know at times she disagreed with what I was saying.  For me, the love of my mother is everything.  She has given me more than I could ever repay.  For all, I would like to say, “Thank you Mother, I love you!”

Second, to my wife and partner in this life.  Thank you for putting up with me and never judging or condemning me for my strange ways. You always seem to understand me and help me work through all my questions and issues.  In the nine years of marriage, I have learned a lot from you.  Mostly, you continually teach me about love and how to love.  At times I think I forget this part of life and become somewhat hard-hearted.  You soften my heart and help me see.  For this, I am very grateful to you and love you dearly.

Third, to the mothers of my beautiful children, Thank You.  At one time, I loved you more than you will ever know.  But, because of circumstances in our lives, it did not last.  But as I look at the result of our relationships, my love has increased because of the children that we share.   For this great opportunity to be a father, I will always be grateful to you.

Fourth, to my daughters, of whom all are now mothers in their own right.  Thank you for loving me and allowing me to part of your lives and families. You have blessed me with such beautiful grandchildren, there are no words to tell you how honored I am.  I watch each of you and the way you honor your role as Mother, each in your own way, but all doing such a great job rearing your children, my grandchildren.  Thank you for allowing me to be a part of their lives and yours.  As I watch each of you, my heart swells with love and gratitude for the beautiful women you have become.

Fifth, to each of my granddaughters, watch and learn from your mothers and grandmothers.  As you grow, it will be easy to find fault with them, but understand, they are doing their best to give you what you need to prepare for when you move into the role of mother.  It can be easy to criticize our mothers, but I promise you as you get older, you will then fully understand the sacrifice you mother has made for you.

As a final note, remember this, no amount of money can compensate for that single sincere phrase, “I love you mom!”.

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