Best Friends

As we traverse this life we enjoy the pleasures of many “Best Friend” associations.  Yesterday one of those “Best Friend” relationships ended for me.  The Best Friend I am referring to is a small Maltese dog named “MIssy”.  I have had this dog for over 13 years.  She made real the phrase “To be dogged”.  She followed me everywhere.  When I arrived home, she was the first one at the door.  She made life interesting and even in those times when I scolded her, all I had to do was pet her and all was forgiven.  She has been a true friend.

This last year has been hard for her.  In June of 2014, Tonya and I went on vacation and when we returned, she couldn’t see.  Her eyes were clouded over with cataracts.  She had to learn the layout of the home by memory and spent a lot of time running into things.  This last couple of months her health declined so much, that we felt it better for her to be put to sleep.  So, yesterday I watched as the life left here tiny body.  It is a sobering experience to witness.  I have come to realize that relationships, whether they be human or animal are powerful.  In my life I have experienced the destruction of relationships and how much pain that can bring into our lives.  But through all that pain, a Best Friend can once again bring the light back into our lives.  Missy has always been by my side, never judging, just loving and trusting.

Death is so permanent, so final.  There is no reversal.  There is only the faith that all will be well in the end and at some point, we can once again enjoy that “Best Friend” relationship.  That the struggles and losses in this life will bring a better life to come.  I will miss her.
A very good friend

A very good friend

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