Hawaii June 14, 2015 – Day 3

Sunday our day of rest or so we thought.  We went to church at 9 a.m., which was quite fun.  The opening prayer was given in Korean.  The part you have to adjust to is that everyone starts with Aloha and the crowd responds in kind.  It is like saying Amen at the beginning.

We went back to the condo after Sacrament Meeting and decided to go to the fair that started at 1 p.m. in downtown.  The first of every month they have this outdoor fair with all the booths, etc.  We just walked around and looked at everything.  There was one booth  that were offering a two for one if you could toss a bean bag into a specific bin.  I tossed two of the bags into the 2 for 1 bin so we decided to go on a 4 hour snorkeling tour, not to be confused with the four hour tour that Gilligan went on and was ship wrecked (I hope).  So we had to move our condo presentation from Thursday morning and Friday morning.

So, we now have a scheduled activity for each morning of the week, evening the morning we fly home.  We still have the 3 activities to do on our own that we need to schedule into one of the afternoons, botanical gardens in Hilo, drive to the top of the mountain, and a temple session.

We walked around the fair, which was down main street in Kono (that road being blocked off for the afternoon).  Then around 4 p.m. we went over to the Marriott Hotel (very nice place) to get in line for our Luau, which started at 5 p.m.   We were first in the non preferred seating line.  We sat next to a couple for just below San Jose.  The couple across from us were from Taiwan.  They were newlyweds.  He was going to university in Atlanta and she work at the stock market in Taiwan.  He is in his last year for his doctorate in electrical engineering.  He will be building chip sets for electronics.  He had flown to Taiwan for the marriage.  They both had then flown to Hawaii for their Honeymoon.  After, he would then fly back to Atlanta and she to Taiwan.  I guess for the next year, they will do a lot of Skype time.  Not sure I would be happy about that arrangement, but I guess you do what you have to do.

The Luau had the roasted pig along with a number of other interesting foods.  I had to try the raw fish mixed with some spicy sauce.  It was quite tasty.  Then I had to try the poi, with a tomato medley, again pretty good.  The rest of the offering were pretty much standard and good.  It was a buffet and so we had all we good eat.  The show was great.  All the various island dances.  The fire dance, the Tahitian Hula (my favorite) and all the rest.  We arrived back at the condo around 9 p.m.  Let’s see, that would be 1 a.m. Utah time, so we were hitting that no return area of consciousness.

I received a minor sunburn on the top of my head because I forgot my hat.  I had also left my phone in the jeep.  The day was good and ready, set, go for the rest of the week.  It should be fun.

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